Contact Information


50 South Main Street
Fillmore, UT 84631



Office Hours:

M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. *Closed most Federal/State holidays

Welcome to the Millard County, UT EagleWeb.

This site can be used to locate recorded documents and property information. The recorded documents include historical documents back to the date the recording office began creating electronic indexes through the latest recorded document. All the property information on this site represents up-to-date information except the taxable value which is calculated for the current tax year.

Recorded documents can be searched using the Document Search page. Document search will return recorded documents such as Warranty Deeds, Reconveyences, and Federal Tax Liens among others. Property Information can be searched using the Account Search page. The Account search will return property information such as owners, value, taxes, legal and recorded documents abstracted to that parcel.

This site can be used to search on any available information FREE OF CHARGE. To view the images of recorded documents, users will need to visit the Recorder's office or become a prepaid registered user with the County.